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Learn how to create a brain changing intervention!

If you landed here, you probably love neuro and want to make sure you bring on the BEST interventions for your patient with a neurologic diagnosis. But no worries - I got you. This will plant the seeds for your future success.


Use it as a tool to guide and support your efforts in optimizing patient outcomes!

Hmmm.. I've also wondered if my interventions are appropriate and perfectly planned to bring on the best results and promote neuroplasticity.

This handy pocket guide serves as your companion in planning interventions for patients, ensuring you effectively promote neuroplasticity.

Meticulously crafted & based on solid evidence, including the principles of neuroplasticity, OPTIMAL theory, and the challenge framework, it serves as your go-to resource for designing interventions that make a real impact.

Creating Brain Changing Interventions:
A pocket guide

Step right in, slip off your shoes, and grab this free resource to initiate the process of ensuring your interventions truly bring about transformative changes in the brain!

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